Sunday, February 27, 2011

Own "Sweat" can buy your Heart's Desire! No need to beg !

I believe that if you want to go shopping and buy your heart's desire,it's gotta be from your own "sweat" (own pocket-money/own savings/own welfare-expenditure account/own company's wages). Even your mother will not be able to afford that much or be utterly "willing" to fulfill your wishes. The truth is, even your mother does not have.....(her own heart's desire).

The best thing to do is to find ways to tell your mother, Mom, I'm looking for a job to take care of my needs, if your needs be want. Some people's needs are small, others are loadfull and hard to go pass,the only incentive you've got is to work it out and find ways to look into a job, a fulfilling job that will feed you to the end....

If you're down with a permanent illness or symptoms of old age weakness and your pay-cut has already been made, then it's no point going for something that can't even pay off your minor expenses. Be passive and if you are wise, heed your mother's call and listen to her always, she may be able to guide you and feed you as well. Even if your pocket-money is small, but if it caters for your overall expenses, (you're not a big spender,you are) then your life would be meaningfully spent resting at ease at home rather than striving hard at work to achieve goals for your company whereas you can sit at the comfort of your home without having to worry about workload.

Go easy on old age, age depreciates everyone, so be kind now when you are young, so that when you are old and weak, people will not take it into their heart all the bad things or bad words you've said when you are strong and young at that time. Remember, when you are old, you will be the same migget as small as you think someone else was when you were big and strong and of course rich at that stage. Stage changes all the time, and before you realize it, you might have changed from being rich to poor, from being strong to weak, from being young to old and fragile...

Keep up the good work and people will see the LIGHT in You! God Bless You all...

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