Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It's been a year had passed and I am getting the hang of my independence. My kids are doing fine in school and their father is getting along well as well. My mother-in-law had installed two brand new shower heaters in the house and she also bought some new furniture. The Ogawa Massage-chair had been neatly arranged in the living room to accomodate space for relaxation. The dining table is the same as always - they are all "vegetarians". Someone said that my "happiness" lies greatly on my in-laws being "vegetarians". Being vegetarian means "BUDDHIST". I am a CATHOLIC WICCAN by faith.

I have instilled position and status at my back-home here and my family supports me and my views. Although there are many heart's desire that I cannot buy but I reasoned to myself to bring satisfaction that lasts. Sometimes the thought of being contented and manageable is enough to continue living here and my hands are still moving and so are my wheels.

When you just got married, your hands don't have to move but when the baby finally take shape, you'll find your whole body constantly sweating and moving along with your baby. Unless you can afford to pay for the usage of hands. Or ask your new-found mother for some help.

Some people's lives are lived like kings and princes. And some are made to be slaves. The trick is not to lose your job and able to provide for your car-loan. Happy Mother's Day in the coming month...

5 surprising habits of HAPPY PEOPLE:-

1.  Laugh more - endophines increased.

2.  Meditation - wellness (alternatives - eat chocolates )

3.  Have a Passion - a hobby, a purpose, a social bond to create a meaningful structure to your time.

4.  Eat Brazil Nuts - to prevent against Alzheimer and brain diseases.

5.  Pamper Yourself - go "shopping" or go to the SPA.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Uncompatible. Unsuitable. Unfit. Unworthy. Unfaithful. Unjust. Unpotential. Untruthed. Unlikely. Thank the Lord and I praise the Lord.


Aduhai malang Pak Kadok!
Ayamnya menang kampung tergadai!
Ada nasi dicurahkan,
Awak pulang kebuluran!
Mudik menongkah surut,
Hilir menongkah pasang!
Ada isteri dibunuh,
Nyaris mati oleh tak makan!
Masa belayar kematian angin,
Sudah dilabuh bayu berpuput,
Ada rumah bertandang duduk!

This won't happened. Prevention is better. Always listen and lend a listening ear. You may never know if it may save your life......


I will not change my Life. I will remain the same over here with Mom. We are going travelling later on and I am going to dress-up. We are taking pictures together as a family. I am not going to join any social clubs. I am joining facebook, a social hub. My life remains the same. No change. Good Life! Good Times ! I love it.

Journal Entry.

I'm happy to be alone. Being alone is my Destiny. I cherished it in my heart. I knew the time is right. I had wanted it. I know one day I might have to U-turn back but I heed no call yet so far. I am going travelling with my Mom and Dad come next year. We are going abroad to visit relations. I am looking forward to it. Travelling and buying and seeing new things. This is the height of my life. Once again since 1993.

Marriage - what did you give????? I gave my pair of hands and my body. Tender, loving care to my boys. Sweet love to my partner. What did I get in return? Food and shelter. Something in between is my heart's desire. My husband gave me my heart's desire. Maybe we were destined to be together once. I let go of it because I have had enough. Enough of his pranks and his habits.

To the Lord , I gave my faith, my heart and my soul. Amen.

Friday, April 15, 2011

"We Need To Talk" The ability to handle difficult conversations well is an essential leadership trait.


You cannot change people; you can only change their BEHAVIOUR. And change starts with SELF-AWARENESS. As a leader, you can help your sub-ordinates to understand themselves better - their strengths and weaknesses, what works well and what does not in relation to the difficult situation.Once the awareness is achieved, it changes their attitude towards themselves, their colleagues and the business itself. Once an attitudinal shift happens, it invariably results in changes in behaviour that makes it then possible for them to commit to action.


Listen not only to what the person is saying but what he is feeling. To create clarity and to let him know you are genuinely listening, summarise what he is telling you - and ask him to do the same.In fact,listen to his version of the story first before sharing yours, and always demonstrate you are genuinely interested in hearing his version. More often than not, difficult conversations are emotional, and you need to get a good appreciation of the underlying issues that drive the emotions.


A leader must be able to put himself in the other person's shoes and understand both the thoughts and the associated feelings in a sincere and selfless way. Showing empathy and understanding will lead to the development of mutual trust, which enables individuals to open up their minds and hearts and derive all the possible benefits to help move them towards their goals.


Every difficult conversation leads to changes in behaviour. Leaders create a sense of optimism that is essential in moving people towards action. Positive Energy is created by positive talk that works both on the conscious and subconscious level. A good leader infuses people with positive energy so they look forward to the behaviour changes that they will need to make and the actions they are going to take to achieve their goals.


Either your world is perfect or it isn't. It all depends on your perspective, the way you look at things. Help the individual reframes his perspective - from one of imperfection to one that SEES POSSIBILITIES for perfection.



When she was 28, Elizabeth promised herself that she would sort out her "dull,rather stagnant" five-year relationship with Paul by the time she was 30."I was drifting along, not feeling happy, but at the same time, not feeling miserable. I saw 30s as my watershed - if things hadn't improved by then, I'd definitely do something to change it for the better."

Five years later, Elizabeth is still with Paul - and still waiting to make the change. The couple passed their 10th anniversary recently but neither felt much like celebrating. "He's living in limbo too. It's ironic,but the problem is that we don't have any one serious problem that we can focus on. I suppose one of us will eventually have an affair, and that'll be it,"she sighs.

Elizabeth admits she's relying on fate to provide a solution. She's sure something will eventually happen, despite setting herself a time limit that has long since expired. The problem is, Elizabeth doesn't  really know what she's waiting for.

A new Man? A new job to take her abroad? To get pregnant or for Paul to have an affair? Probably any of these would do, because she feels the only way that she'll be able to take control of her life is if an external event actually forces her to. Elizabeth is suffering from the "take me away from all this" syndrome. Meanwhile,five long years of her life have drifted by.

Juliet , 33, faced a very similar dilemma when she and Greg approached the three-year marker in their relationship. They weren't living together, and they didn't have any marriage plans either."We both liked our SPACE, but I began to wonder about this more and more as all my friends started getting married, or moving in together. Inevitably, people began asking when we were going to do the same."

Coming from a fairly large family, Juliet really cherished her independence. Wisely, she also recognised that independence is a lot sweeter when coupled with some measure of emotional dependence." I felt pressurised by friends to marry Greg. I wasn't sure this was what I really wanted but I did know that I wanted to be closer to him," she says. But instead of waiting for the relationship to change, Juliet decided to confront it head on.

"I suggested that we save up our holidays for the year, and go away for a month to celebrate our third anniversary together. I knew this would give us plenty of time to work out where we wanted to go next. It also gave us a chance to be constantly in each other's company, see how that felt and if we could COPE."

They could and did cope. By taking time out together, Juliet and Greg realised how much they meant to each other. They decided neither of them wanted the CONVENTIONAL COMMITMENT of MARRIAGE, but both agreed that they'd like to spend more time together. Juliet, happier now she no longer feels she's drifting, says her feelings for Greg are much more positive than before the trip. Put simply, she has taken positive action and feels in control of her life.

If you find it difficult to feel certain about your current life choices, it's no good waiting for a particular event or person to come along and rescue you. You need to do something about it ,right now. There's one painfully true saying : IT'S NOT WHAT WE DO IN LIFE THAT WE REGRET, BUT WHAT WE DON'T DO. Time rolls past, and moments of doubt can turn into years of unfulfillment and frustration. There's a game some people play unconsciously that's absolutely guaranteed to stop them from ever doing anything even when they feel stuck in a rut.Kind friends offer them lots of suggestions and advice - why don't you try this, why don't you have a trial separation, take a holiday, leave him. But the response is always, "Ah yes, but...."

In his book GAMES PEOPLE PLAY, psychologist ERIC BERNE explains that the ,"Why don't you...Yes, but...." game is the oldest humans play.We can always find a way to negate new ideas and friends' suggestions because deep down,we FEAR CHANGE, even if, paradoxically, we DESIRE IT VERY MUCH. The way forward is not just to become aware that we're doing this but to change it.Dr Berne used to stop his patients from playing this game by refusing to make any suggestions. Instead he'd ask : "What are you going to do about it?"

Suggestions from other people have far less potency than ones we come up with ourselves. This is why counsellors always refuse to give advice,as Christine, 31, discovered :"I went for counselling because my four-year relationship was going nowhere. I felt panicky. Time was running out and I had to do something. I hoped a counsellor would tell me what that something should be - how to get my boyfriend to commit himself to me. "That didn't happen. Instead she encouraged me to be honest with myself and face some rather difficult truths - that I wanted marriage and kids but would probably never have them with my boyfriend. The worst part was realising the only reason I was still with him was because I was afraid of being alone."

Once she had accepted this, Christine ended the relationship and is much happier now."You don't have to be with someone to be happy. I'd always had a boyfriend. Now I know why. This way I've got a chance to find out about myself before I become involved again. I'm sure this time I'll find someone who's more in tune with what I want."

Christine's self-knowledge gave her the impetus to act, but there are some people who know exactly what they should be doing - and why - but still can't do anything about it. Self-knowledge is not always enough. You can plan to be happy, just as you can plan everything else in your life. The KEY IS TO DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING, TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE WHENEVER YOU FEEL SOMETHING IS WRONG. Understand this : There is no prince on a big white charger coming to rescue you from your woes. Put bluntly, you are your only source of salvation.

So decide what you want from your relationship. Think about it, plan it, enjoy wanting it. Then take charge and start taking steps towards it. Only you know what these steps should be. Finding out what you really want can be scary because it might mean realising, just like Christine, that you aren't happy with something or someone. But acting upon it is an act of stupendous courage that can only be enriching. LIVE YOUR LIFE, DON'T LET TIME LIVE IT FOR YOU.

FANTASY GIRL ~ That's Who I really AM!

Being a fantasy girl, I used to fantasize for the things I do not have. Some things are meant to be what they are and some things always remain the same. They don't change.

I met a WITCH in Singapore in the year 2008. I paid her some money because she taught me some secret potions on how to achieve success. I also bought books from her after paying for the books by myself. She reminded me to destroy the books once I left witchcraft. I did as I was told. In reality, she taught me the FACTS OF LIFE.

After one year of meeting the witch, she led me to meet a girl, a friend, whom I have befriended until now. I was reminded of her because she had sent me a birthday greeting card just so recently. The WITCH was a GOOD WITCH. A White One. She did not cheat me. I left my post for fear because my mother disapproved of our correspondence. I received a lot of gifts from the wizards and the witches. I wrote them beautiful funny letters and they were intrigued by my juvenile scheme. They even sent men to spot on me at my home in Gombak. I used to stay there back then.

I had been corresponding to magicians, wizards, witches and sorcerers. I was contorted. My visions were very pure. They had not cheated me either and likewise they did not cheat me on money. It was a cash and sale. I stopped corresponding to them the day the world changes for me and I left home to return to my Mom and Dad - April 2010. Nothing's been cheated. They didn't cheat my money or myself.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Living among a generation where children and teenagers are so easily influenced by NEGATIVE DOINGS, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to set a GOOD EXAMPLE and provide POSITIVE INFLUENCES. Being a ROLE MODEL comes with GREAT IMPORTANCE and BURDENS as well. Engaging in a LIFE WORTH IMITATING (worthy life, praised and treasured by others, HONOURED), should be done with CARE and CAUTION. Providing either your children or others around you, a POSITIVE GENUINE EXAMPLE of ADMIRABLE BEHAVIORS should not be taken lightly. Have no doubt that being a role model will bring WARMTH to your HEART and SMILES to your face, if you do it the right way, honoured and cherished by others....

1.  Don't be part of ACTIONS that you will be EMBARRASSED  later. If you are engaging in actions which you do not want people to know of, it is best to not engage in those actions at all. Examples : drugs, lies, theft, Nightclubs........Remember, people are always aware of your actions and news travels fast.

2.  Be part of things that are good. If you are engaging in GOOD DEEDS, no one can ever speak NEGATIVELY about you, except some may say "You're STUPID!!!". You will be setting the GREATEST EXAMPLE of all. Do GOOD unto OTHERS and others will DO GOOD UNTO YOU.

3.  Be self controlled. If you are easily angered, avoid places which will UPSET you or AVOID PEOPLE that will UPSET YOU. Example : NIGHTCLUBS. This way you won't lose your cool in front of others. FIGHTING is a NEGATIVE ACTION and we should not allow others to believe fighting is the best way to deal with ISSUES.

4.  Control what you say. Using vulgar and critical language is not part of setting a good example. Instead of using your speech to insult others, be ENCOURAGING and keep your conversations "GRACIOUS". This way, your example is POSITIVE.

5.  LIVE FOR ANOTHER. Don't live entirely for your own courtship and enjoyment of true self.



A nightclub (also known simply as a club, discotheque or disco ) is an entertainment venue which usually operates late into the night. A nightclub is generally distinguished from bars, pubs or taverns by the inclusion of a dance floor and a DJ booth, where a DJ plays recorded dance, hip hop, rock, reggae and pop music.

The music in nightclubs is either live bands or, more commonly ,a mix of songs played by a DJ through a powerful PA system. Most clubs or night clubs cater to certain music genres, such as techno, house music, trance, heavy metal, garage, hip hop, salsa, dancehall, Drum and Bass, a Dubstep or soca music. Many clubs also promote playing the Top 40 which has most of the night playing the most broadcast songs of the previous week.

Entry Criteria.

Many nightclubs choose who can enter on bases other than just age,e.g. dress code and guest list. This is used to make their status as a nightclub more "exclusive". Quite often, there are no clear policies governing entry to a nightclub, thereby allowing the doormen to deny entry to anybody at their discretion.

Cover charge.

In most cases, entering a night club requires a flat fee called a cover charge. Early arrivers and women may have their cover charge waived or reduced ( in the United Kingdom, this latter option is illegal under the Equality Act 2010 but the law is rarely enforced and open violations are frequent ).Friends of the doorman or the club owner may gain free entrance. Sometimes, especially at larger clubs in continental European countries, one only gets a pay card at the entrance, on which all money spent in the discotheque (often including the entrance fee ) is marked. Sometimes, entrance fee and cloakroom costs are paid by cash and only the drinks in the club are paid using a pay card.


Many nightclubs operate a "guestlist" that allows certain attendees to enter the club for free, or at a reduced rate. Some nightclubs have a range of unpublicised guestlist options ranging from free to reduced, to full price with line by-pass privileges only. Nightclub goers that are on the guestlist usually have a separate queue and possibly a separate entrance to the one used by full price paying attendees. It is not uncommon for the guestlist line-up to be as long or longer than the full-paying or ticketed queues. Some nightclubs allow clubbers to register for the guestlist through their websites.

Dress code.

Many nightclubs enforce a dress code in order to ensure a certain type of clientele is in attendance at the venue. Some upscale nightclubs ban attendees from wearing trainers or jeans, while other nightclubs will advertise a vague "dress to impress" dress code that allows the bouncers to discriminate at will against those vying for entry to the club. Many exceptions are made to nightclub dress codes, with denied entry usually reserved for the most glaring rule breakers or those thought to be unsuitable for the party. Certain niche clubs like fetish nightclubs may apply a leather-only, rubber-only or fantasy dress code. The dress code criterion is often an excuse for discriminatory practices, such as in the case of Carpenter v. Limelight Entertainment Ltd.


Many nightclubs will only allow entry by association. A number of gay nightclubs that prefer to cater to an exclusively male clientele will deny entry to a group of lesbians but will welcome a lesbian with a number of gay friends.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I am like an Oompa Loompa! (co-incidence!) - April 13th,2011 (Wed)

Oompa Loompa : 1 sound, midget ,orange dwarf oompa short, willy wonka tan loompa,tanorexic, tanning,fat whore, munchkin guide,fake bake, jersey shore girl, vertically-challenged, music umpa-lumpa, guidette spray tan, mullet scum, little people,bitch, umpa lumpa wonka chocolate chaw shorty snookie, little person ass fake loompa land,sex, fake tan, blower, new jersey sun,ugly douchebag, fake and bake troll testicles.

1. Oompa Loompa - A native of Loompaland, usually tending towards attributes of small size,an orange complexion, and green hair;the first recorded information of them comes to us from Roahld Dahl, the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

2. Someone who has one, or all of these attributes, used usually as an insult or in a derogatory manner.

3. Incredibly delightful creatures from the book / movie Charlie and the Chocolate factory ( Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory if you prefer). With orange skin and green hair, they charmed the hearts of BILLIONS during the 1984 depression. Rumored to be descendants of angels.

4. Girls that can oftenly be found in high schools and sororities throughout all of California. With orange skin of their own brought on by excessive use of fake tanner,they resemble the dwarfed creatures mentioned in the above definition.Some people believe this to be sexy. Others would rather shoot themselves in the foot.

Those oompa loompas sure know how to stir the chocolate.

With that tangerine skin, banana hair and beige sandals, that oompa loompa looks just like an orange albino.

5. Slave workers taken from their native homes and forced to work in willy wonka's chocolate factory. They are usually given meow mix as a reward for doing good work.

FREE THE OOMPA LOOMPAS! The poor oompa loompas!

6. A miniscule individual with an orange complexion and emerald colored hair. This little munchkin resides in the fictitious land o' Loompas. Regularly, these poor little midgets must fight off villainous creatures such as Snozwangers and Vermicious knids. Their main occupation is working for one Mr Willy Wonka, where they are payed in a great abundance of cocoa beans, their favourite food.

7. Orange people from willy wonka. They love the the coco bean, and make nice songs.

Oompa loompa doopitydoo.......

8. Small (short) orange person, generally found singing and/or working in a chocolate factory for a seemingly crazy / crazy man. Coming from Loompa Land.

Snookie from the Jersey Shore is often referred to as an Oompa Loompa.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Being a mother and a care-taker for my children, husband and household can be extremely taxing,hilarious, tiring, exhilarating and awesome but after a hard day's work, I would LOVE to take a BATH and spend some time with my luxuries....My luxury is TAKING A BATH!!!!!!! Journey through motherhood will be much LACKING without the fulfilling enjoyment of a RELAXING BATH!

Relaxation and enjoyment through taking a BATH!!! I simply Love it! I love to buy toiletries, soap, detergent, shower foams, shower gels, kids bubble bath, shampoos and body shampoos and I love to buy men's ware for my spouse as well on his birthday! Although it's hard to choose his 'type' so after some time, the men takes over and chose his own toiletries.

I have been a constant patron to the drugstore and pharmacies as well to check on the latest trend of taking hold and taking good care of our bodies....BATH and BODY WORKS is my ultimate goal ! Care for our bodies for they are our GREATEST ASSETS!

Friday, April 8, 2011


I have been a mother for the past 12 years and 9 years. How's it like ? How's it felt?????Here's my story:

I LOVE IT. I love the story of creation. I love the babies that I made. I love making love and waking up one day thinking that I'm gonna have a baby. It's not about the money. It's the opportunities that arrives at your doorstep. Apart from cleaning baby poo and teaching potty training and swapping and feeding and cleaning and NURTURING and talking and cleaning and BEDTIME stories.....

I think a lot about my genes. Sometimes I think I come from the majestics and sometimes I think I come from the minorities. But still, bringing up father, raising my two kids was an ADVENTURE and an unthinkable FASCINATION to my soul..... I was always there for my kids. I was always there at school. I was always WAITING on them , WAITING for them and I was SINGING to myself apart from the tears of raising NAUGHTY CHILDREN. And I had LOVED them. I treasured them. I kept those memories close to my heart. Now my children doesn't want me because they're too attached to their school. I don't bother them and their father is always stern on their education and policies. That they will adher to.

My mother-in-law asked me to leave them alone. GROWING PAINS.. My prayers will be for them..GOD BLESS THEIR SOULS and their father's as well....( They are good at doing their school's HOMEWORK)!